Python Flask JSON Guide .cursorrules prompt file
About .cursorrules prompt file
What you can build
Drawscape Factorio Visualization App: Create a web application that allows users to upload JSON files from the FUE5 MOD and generate SVG visualizations of their Factorio setups using custom themes, color schemes, and layers.
Factorio Layout Collaborator Platform: Develop a platform where Factorio players can share and collaborate on factory layouts. Users can import FUE5 MOD data, generate SVG visuals, and annotate or modify layouts in real-time.
Interactive SVG Editor for Factorio: Design a tool that not only visualizes but also allows users to interactively edit Factorio SVG layouts, altering elements like assets, belts, walls, and more, all through a user-friendly interface.
Automated Report Generator for Factorio Setups: Build an automated system that takes JSON input from FUE5 MOD, visualizes using Drawscape Factorio, and creates detailed reports of the factory setups with visual and textual data analysis.
Factorio Theme Customization Portal: Offer a service that allows users to customize themes and color schemes for their Factorio visualizations and apply them to their layouts using the Drawscape Factorio module.
API Service for Factorio Visualization: Develop an API that provides endpoints for users to submit FUE5 MOD JSON data and receive customized SVG visualizations of Factorio setups, integrating easily into existing systems.
Educational Resource for Factorio Players: Create educational materials such as tutorials and documentation on using the Drawscape Factorio module for visualizing and optimizing Factorio setups, helping players learn to use the tool effectively.
Factorio Community Showcase: Launch a website where Factorio players can publicly share their best factory layouts, visualized and enhanced using the Drawscape Factorio module, fostering community engagement and inspiration.
Drawscape Factorio Plugin for IDEs: Develop a plugin for popular IDEs that integrates the Drawscape Factorio module, allowing developers to easily visualize FUE5 MOD JSON data while coding.
Custom Factorio Visualization Themes Marketplace: Create a marketplace where designers can sell custom themes and color schemes for use with the Drawscape Factorio module, enabling users to personalize their visualizations further.
- Utilizes a custom Drawscape Factorio module to create SVG visualizations from imported FUE5 MOD JSON data.
- Provides environment configuration for Python 3.12 with detailed dependencies including flask, svgwrite, and boto3.
- Demonstrates integration of asynchronous Flask capabilities via pip-installed extras.
Developers working on automation and visualization in Factorio could use this prompt to create a Flask API that converts JSON data from FUE5 MOD to SVG using Drawscape Factorio.
Overview of .cursorrules prompt
The .cursorrules file provides instructions for utilizing a custom Drawscape Factorio Python module. It includes examples of how to import the module, load a JSON file from an FUE5 MOD, parse the JSON data, and then use the parsed data to generate a Factorio-themed SVG file with specific settings such as theme name, color scheme, and visible layers. Additionally, it provides an `environment.yml` file listing the dependencies and Python version required to run the project, including libraries like Flask, svgwrite, and numpy.